Tuition Service
Learning can take place in the home (if the student is unable to leave the home), in the community (for example the local library) or in the Norman Jackson Centre or Dukes Centre. Students receiving tuition are usually offered four sessions across the week.
Available home session times each day are:
09.00 - 10.15 Session One
10.45 - 12.00 Session Two
13.00 - 14.15 Session Three
14.45 - 16.00 Session Four
For sessions that take place at our Norman Jackson or Star Centre the times will be:
09.00 - 10.30 Session One
10.30 - 12.00 Session Two
13.00 - 14.30 Session Three
14.30 - 16.00 Session Four
A review is held every 8-10 weeks to assess progress and make plans for the next step.
Please watch the video below which we hope will give you a broader understanding of what we offer.
Each student on tuition has an individual timetable delivered by teachers who are subject specialists, and expert in meeting social, emotional and mental health needs. Sessions are planned to help students realise their potential. Staff are qualified in Mental Health and Learning interventions and use a therapeutic approach to personalise support to each individual.
Norman Jackson & Dukes Centre
Here students have the opportunity to pursue the KS3 curriculum &/or GCSEs in core subjects alongside practical activities in a safe space. They can experience a sense of belonging to a community and build on skills for life in a therapeutic setting. Through engaging in learning, they can raise their self-esteem and build confidence. In addition to the core curriculum of English, Maths and Science students can study PSHE, History, Design Technology and Catering.
The success that they experience in school can give them and their family’s belief in their potential. This may be the first time that they have engaged in education for a number of years. This is reflected in comments from parents and students:
‘He was really enthusiastic this morning. More positive about everything.’
‘She really enjoys being with you guys and working hard’
‘I can see his self-esteem improving. He walks taller after a session.’
Alternative (Medical/other) provision Service
Malden Oaks School and Service provides education for Kingston and Richmond resident students, who cannot attend school for a period of 15 days or more because of ill health. We provide one-to-one tuition to students in their home, in a local library, or a local coffee shop (or sometimes in school) while they are unable to attend full time school due to physical or mental health needs. We can offer online tuition too if this is more suitable. We work in partnership with the student, parents/carers, the named person in the school and multidisciplinary professionals to provide a high quality core education for children with health needs.
Once evidence has been received from a medical professional (usually a Consultant), the Service ensures that appropriate education is arranged as quickly as possible. Students generally thrive with one-to-one support. When students are ready to return to school, we organise an individual reintegration plan tailored to students’ needs.