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Careers Education

All students at Malden Oaks are supported to be curious about what their plans for life after school might look like. We have ambitious expectations of our students who are encouraged to aim high and explore all routes to further education and employment that are appropriate for them.

Heads of School lead on age and stage appropriate careers education for the students in their school. It is important to us that all students have a plan for their next steps. We are committed to ensuring that students have high-quality impartial advice about careers opportunities.  We believe that giving students the best career education and guidance is vital to helping them achieve their ambitions.

Careers education at Malden Oaks works towards the achievement of the Eight Gatsby Benchmarks (link here),  considering the DfE document Careers guidance and access for education and training providers” (July 2021) and The Baker Clause which states that schools must allow colleges and training providers access to all students in years 8- 13 to tell them about non-academic routes which are available to them.

Guidance and advice delivery

The below information sets out some of the ways careers education is delivered across Malden Oaks: 

  1. PSHE lessons
    1. Students access Kudos an online programme. Kudos helps students to access the information they need to make important decisions about future careers and what subjects, courses and training they can do to reach their career destination.
    2. World of Work topic objectives include:
      1. To explore what work is and understanding its’ meaning
      2. To know the different types of employment & employment contract
      3. To know the difference between jobs, occupations & careers
      4. To emphasise the link between school subject being studied and subsequent career choice
      5. To know what transferable skills are and to know what generic skills & qualities employers want. Matching skills & qualities to jobs and transferable skills
      6. Dream jobs & reality, jobs of the future, impact of technology, employment trends. Action planning/ career path mapping
      7. Interview preparation & CVs
      8. To review learning & get feedback to inform future planning


  1. Upper School and 6 Oaks Independent Careers Guidance Interview

All students have an independent careers guidance interview; students are informed about courses which suit their academic needs and aspirations. We ensure that all our students progress onto appropriate courses or employment on leaving our school. We provide access to independent information about the range of options (academic, vocational or apprenticeships). Malden Oaks staff, with whom the student will have a better relationship with, can then help students to complete application forms to college. The Heads of School, the tutor or parent/carers follow up the actions stated in the independent interviews.

  1. Students with EHCPS

 All students with an EHCP have a careers programme that is tailored to meet their individual needs, this is supported and managed through the student’s SENCO, who arranges individual Post 16 meetings with an AfC specialist adviser.

  1. Offsite Learning Opportunities

We inspire students through real-life contact with the world of work. This is typically through vocational courses such as:

  • Clarendon Cycles – Accredited outcomes in Cycle Mechanics.
  • Road to Success – Construction, Hair and Beauty, plumbing, Painting & Decoration and Tiling
  • Green Corridor – Students Dig, Plant and Grow then Cook and Serve.
  • Enemy of Boredom Media – Game Design, Social Media, Graphic Design, Working with a magazine company

We also run educational visits to inspire students to learn about or consider careers they might not have previously heard of. Recent visits include going to a hotel, a restaurant and an iron monger.

It is important to remember that students join Malden Oaks in different years and for various reasons so their careers offer is tailored for them by the Head of School of their provision, ensuring fit for purpose, takes account of their additional needs and is delivered at an appropriate time in an appropriate manner.

Parents wishing to discuss their child’s careers education in more detail should contact their child’s tutor in the first instance. If your child is receiving medical tuition, you should contact your child’s mainstream school.